Fire Detection Systems
Fire detection systems. Fire-fighting systems contain fire detection and warning equipment by means of signals from smoke, temperature, and manual fire warning buttons. Sion Solution can provide an integrated security system.
The system involves both the installation of a state-of-the-art fire detection technique and the design and installation, which are done by our engineers and technicians in the technical department.
Fire Detection Systems. Technical solutions offered by Sion Solution:
- Addressable or conventional fire detection control panels;
- Optical smoke detectors, with ionization, with infrared reflective spot, infrared barrier type, by suction;
- Temperature detectors, carbon monoxide, flame, hazardous substances;
- Addressable modules, repertoires and emulators, loop isolators, electromagnets, and battery locks;
- Siren and optical signal indicators, panic buttons.
Detnov brand fire detection systems –
The main component of a fire detection system is the fire station. You can opt for one of the two types of existing conventional or addressable power plant. The difference between the two is the way the detectors are connected, their number, reading and interpreting the information.
How must the fire detection system be in order to comply with the new regulations?
Conventional control panel: Monitors status signals from smoke detectors, temperature, manual fire warning buttons, or status change reporting. The smoke detectors are connected to the inputs of the boiler, defined as zones, and are correlated with the zoning of the objective. This type of boiler is used when the number of smoke detectors is small.
Addressable exchange. The main advantage is the ease of wiring and easy identification of alarms. Through the addressable modules, conventional detectors or other types of fire detectors (gas, carbon monoxide, etc.) can be connected to the boiler. Each detector has an address and connects on a loop. This type of boiler is recommended for medium and large lenses.
Fire Detection Systems. Components:
A Fire Detection System has the function of warning when an event occurs and its optical or acoustic signaling by permanent control of detectors.
- Fire detection control panel;
- Detectors;
- Addressable In/Out modules;
- Repeaters;
- Loop isolator for addressable systems;
- Electromagnets and battery locks;
- Warning devices (emergency buttons for immediate alarm triggering);
- Signaling devices (sirens and optical signaling indicators); addressable/conventional
Technical specifications:
1. Fire detection control panel:
- Conventional and addressable;
- Supported areas: 4-8;
- Max detectors per area: 30-250;
- Some types of control panels support extension modules for several areas.
2. Detector
- Wired or wireless;
- Smoke detectors (optics, with ionization, with a reflexive spot in infrared, barrier type in infrared, by suction);
- Temperature, flame, hazardous substances;
- Temperature, growth rate, and temperature threshold;
- CO, gas, and floods detectors
Addressable fire detection system – click here to enlarge
Conventional fire detection system – click here to enlarge
3. Addressable modules
- Addressable modules practically transform conventional sensors into addressable sensors.
- 4. Repeaters panel
Repeaters are devices for informing and setting the parameters of control panels.
5. Loop isolators for addressable systems
- In the event of a loop failure, these insulators insulate that portion of the loop so that the rest of the loop continues to operate.
6. Electromagnets and locking elements, batteries
- There are accessories used in fire detection systems, electromagnets to open emergency doors, and batteries to ensure the back of the system in case of power outages.
7. Fire button
- With glass, with plastic;
- Visual signaling.
8. Siren
- Conventional – volume adjustment, tone adjustment, and self-protection;
- Indoor and outdoor;
- Power 100 Db.
For more details and personalized offer send a REQUEST FOR OFFER or contact Sion Solution specialists
Configurator incendiu
- Centrale de incendiu;
- Detectori;
- Module adresabile;
- Repetoare si emulatoare;
- Izolatoare de bucla pentru sisteme adresabile;
- Electromagneti si elemente de blocare acumulatori;
- Dispozitive de avertizare (butoane de urgenta pentru declansarea imediata a alarmei);
- Dispozitive de semnalizare (sirene si indicatoare optice de semnalizare);
- Conventional si adresabila;
- Zone suportate: 4-8;
- Max detectori pe zona: 30-250;
- Unele tipuri de centrala suporta module de extensie pentru mai multe zone.
- Detector cu cablu sau wireless;
- Detector de fum (optici, cu ionizare, cu spot relexiv in infra-rosu, tip bariera in infra-rosu, prin aspiratie);
- Detector de temperatura, de flacara, de substante periculoase;
- CO, gaz si inundatii.
- Modulele adresabile practic transforma senzorii conventionali în senzori adresabili.
- Repetoarele sunt dispozitive de informare si setare a parametrilor centralelor.
- In cazul unei defectiuni pe bucla aceste izolatoare izoleaza acea portiune din bucla, astfel incat restul buclei sa functioneze in continuare.
- Sunt accesorii folosite in sistemele de detectie incendiu, electromagnetii pentru deschiderea usilor de urgenta, iar acumulatorii pentru a asigura back-ul sistemului in cazul caderilor de tensiune.
- Buton de incendiu cu sticla sau cu plastic;
- Semnalizare vizuala.
- Sirena conventionala – reglaj volum, reglaj tonuri si autoprotejata;
- De interior si exterior;
- Putere 100 Db.
- Garantia echipamentelor este de 24 luni de la data punerii in functiune.
- Interventie, in orice situatie, in maxim 24 de ore de la sesizarea defectiunii.
- In cazul unor defectiuni minore acestea vor fi remediate pe loc, iar in alte cazuri subansamblele defecte vor fi inlocuite.
Servicii de Service si Mentenanta Sion Solution.
Avantajele unui contract de service si mentenanta
- Mentenanta preventiva - verificari periodice ale sistemelor de securitate;
- Mentenanta corectiva - remedierea defectelor de functionare ale sistemelor de securitate;
- Oferirea de suport tehnic prin linia telefonica;
- Prioritate in rezolvarea problemelor aparute;
- Timp minim de raspuns;
- Efectuarea de vizite periodice pentru prevenirea aparitiei problemelor tehnice;
- Garantarea echipamentelor de back-up si asigurarea pieselor de schimb.
Cine suntem?
Sion Solution a fost infiintata in anul 2012 si este integrator de solutii de securitate la nivel national. Cu o vasta experienta in domeniu, face parte din categoria companiilor care nu doar incearca, ci si reusesc sa faca lucrurile sa mearga. Sion Solution se concentreaza pe rezultat, orientarea spre client si respectul fata de acesta, integritatea si competitivitatea, legalitatea, performanta, responsabilitatea fata de resurse si accesibilizarea serviciilor oferite. Profesionalismul, promptitudinea si flexibilitatea sunt cuvinte cheie atunci cand vorbim despre Sion Solution.Licente:
- Licenta A/3979 din 28.02.2014 pentru efectuarea lucrarilor de „Instalare si intretinere a sistemelor si instalatiilor de semnalizare, alarmare si alertare in caz de incendiu.”
- Licenta A/3976 din 26.02.2014 pentru efectuarea lucrarilor de „Proiectare a sistemelor si instalatiilor de semnalizare, alarmare si alertare in caz de incendiu”
- Licenta nr.2700/T din 19.02.2013 pentru efectuarea activitatilor de „Proiectare, instalare, modificare si intretinere a sistemelor de alarmare impotriva efractiei.”
- SA 8000:2008SR
- EN ISO 9001:2008SR
- EN ISO 14001:2005
- EN ISO 27001:2005SR
- OHSAS 18001:2008